Sub Saharan Africa Map

Sub Saharan Africa Map. Map of Sub-Saharan Africa (shaded in green). Hold Control and move your mouse over the map to quickly color several countries. Holding Control + Shift has the opposite result. Simplified climatic map of Africa: sub-Saharan Africa consists of the Sahel and the Horn of Africa in the north (yellow), the tropical savannas (light green) and the tropical rainforests (dark green) of Equatorial Africa, and the arid Kalahari Basin (yellow) and the "Mediterranean" south coast (olive) of Southern Africa. A map indicating the major ancient and medieval states in sub-Saharan Africa. Sub Saharan Africa Map

Sub Saharan Africa Map After defeating the Mahdists at Omdurman in September, the British hurried south to confront the French. Control + Z undoes your latest action. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

In the legend table, click on a color box to change the color for all countries.

Bodies of Water: Color/trace these in blue.

Sub Saharan Africa Map Europe RussiaEastern Europe Sub-Saharan Africa Southwest AsiaNorth Africa South Asia East Asia Southeast Asia and the Pacific Realm. The political map includes the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. When labeling, you can abbreviate River as "R" and Lake as "L".

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