Final Fantasy 8 World Map

Final Fantasy 8 World Map. World Map (FFVIII) The unnamed world of Final Fantasy VIII is relatively large and lush. One continent, Galbadia, is slightly more arid, while another, Trabia, is rather icier. The world map (ワールドマップ, Wārudo Mappu?), also known as the overworld, plays a prominent role in many games of the Final Fantasy series. The near-future sciece-fiction based setting of the world was an extension of the cyber punk feel of Final Fantasy VIII, but the developers also did not want to stray too far from the "fantasy" element the series was known for. Locations for the world of Final Fantasy VIII are listed in the order they are visited in-game, optional areas mentioned last. Final Fantasy 8 World Map

Final Fantasy 8 World Map The world of Final Fantasy VIII is only known as Earth (, Chiky*?, lit.) in Final Fantasy VIII. Earth (, Chiky*, lit.) in final fantasy viii has no known name, but it is referred to as one in the game. Review: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.

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Below is a map of the Final Fantasy world.

Final Fantasy 8 World Map The near-future sciece-fiction based setting of the world was an extension of the cyber punk feel of Final Fantasy VIII, but the developers also did not want to stray too far from the "fantasy" element the series was known for. Final Fantasy VIII Maps Category page. Providing up-to-date information on all Final Fantasy games as well as unlimited media for download.

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