California Drought Map

California Drought Map. WestWide Drought Tracker, U Idaho/WRCC, Data Source: PRISM (Prelim). An already grim situation just got worse for California in. This shows rain and temperature effects on moisture.. The California Drought Update is a weekly roundup of drought conditions, state actions, and upcoming developments. This shows rain and temperature effects on moisture. California Drought Map

California Drought Map If dry weather persists and water-supply problems. percent area of California with below normal precipitation probability this month. Lake Oroville looks a little better. Part of Central California moved into the most severe drought category.

WestWide Drought Tracker, U Idaho/WRCC, Data Source: PRISM (Prelim).

The map has conditions that range from "Abnormally Dry" to "Exceptional Drought." Parts of Fresno, Tulare, Kings, Merced and Mariposa counties fell under the "Exceptional Drought" category.

California Drought Map This website graphically visualizes these data to help understand the effect of drought on rivers, streams, lakes, and reservoirs. Pacific Islands and Virgin Islands Author (s): Denise Gutzmer, National Drought Mitigation Center. A new map from the federal U.

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