Dixie Fire Map California

Dixie Fire Map California. The Dixie Fire was an enormous wildfire in Butte, Plumas, Lassen, Shasta, and Tehama Counties, California. Timestamps of the most recent updates can be viewed by clicking on an incident. Specific addresses can be searched for in the search bar. PDF File: Topographic map showing local landmarks and perimeter of Dixie Fire zoomed in to West Zone.. Saving your location allows us to provide you with more relevant information. Dixie Fire Map California

Dixie Fire Map California The interactive map above indicates the condition of homes and other structures in the Dixie Fire zone. The fire burned on the Plumas National Forest, Lassen National Forest, Lassen Volcanic National Park, and across five counties: Butte, Lassen, Plumas, Shasta and Tehama. Dixie Fire map Red circles on this live-updating map are actively burning areas, as detected by satellite.

It was named after Dixie Road, near where the fire started in Butte County.

Use the search bar to type in your location, or zoom and scroll to explore the CA wildfire map.

Dixie Fire Map California Saving your location allows us to provide you with more relevant information. PDF File: Topographic map showing local landmarks and perimeter of Dixie Fire zoomed in to West Zone.. Dixie Fire map Red circles on this live-updating map are actively burning areas, as detected by satellite.

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